Kitchen water and electricity installation, these matters must pay attention to

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As a key component of the home, the kitchen is the top priority in the decoration. Once the wrong electricity and water lines are installed, they have to be reworked, causing a lot of waste. There are some points to which we must pay special attention.

First of all, we should determine how to install the water and electricity in the kitchen, and consider how much the number of sockets should be set.

Since the kitchen is usually the place where the most water and electricity are used in the home, once the outlet is not reserved enough, it can easily affect the normal quality of life.

In general, in addition to their own determined needs, should also be reserved for 3-5 socket location, in case of emergency. If conditions, you can reserve a track socket, so that the decoration will appear beautiful and practical. At the same time, in order to use electricity safety, must pay attention to waterproof. Therefore, when decorating, it is necessary to install the socket waterproof box. This not only reduces the risk of electric shock, but also prevents the fumes from staining the socket and reduces cleaning.

Under normal circumstances, before we install kitchen water and electricity, we must design the location of water and electricity installation. On the one hand, we should pay attention to the reasonable distinction of hot and cold water pipes, so as to achieve the following three points: keep the cold and hot water pipe mouth height is the same; Cold and hot water pipe mouth should be 2 cm higher than the wall; The cold and hot water pipes are vertical to the wall, and the spacing is 15 cm. On the other hand, we should pay more attention to the treatment of waterway joints, and use the buffer way to accumulate water, so as to avoid the situation of insufficient water when we use water because of insufficient water pressure.

At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the hidden work of water pipes to avoid long-term exposure of water pipes, leading to the reduction of water pipe life. In the circuit design, we must consider the feasibility and security of socket installation in detail. Think in advance about what electrical appliances are in the kitchen and where they are placed, and reserve certain wire interfaces for us to use when adding electrical appliances later.

Note the summary of aspects

The early stage must first according to the scene of the investigation of a good drawing, and then construction;

The socket is best with a switch, to avoid frequent plug and plug lead to loose socket;

Note that potential and gas should be staggered as far as possible, and the gas stove should not be too close to the refrigerator;

Gas water heater as far as possible do not put the kitchen;

Water and electricity must be tested after being laid.