Seventy-seven years ago today, the Chinese people finally won!

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August 15, 1945, is a day that the Chinese people will never forget. On that day, Japan announced its acceptance of the Potsdam Proclamation and announced its unconditional surrender in the form of the Imperial Edict on Armistice. At this point, a long 14 years of bloody struggle, with the final victory of the Chinese people completely ended!

14 years of bloody fighting

More than 35 million Chinese were killed or injured

Finally ushered in the victory of the whole nation’s war of resistance

Tears filled the eyes of 400 million Chinese people

The whole country celebrated

This is a victory for the anti-fascist people of the world

It is a victory for the Chinese people

The army returned in triumph

The lovely little girl waved her petals

The intoxicating fragrance of the air

Big smiles on the faces of the people

It was filled with joy and happiness

In Yan ‘an, more than 20,000 people held a celebration

Yangko team, waist drum team to run, cheer

In Chongqing, people took to the streets and danced with dragons

Singing songs, firecrackers, can not stop hearing

Looking back on 14 years of bloody and tearful struggle

Always gets the blood pumping

Only to actually feel the fight to the death

I realized how hard it was to win

The unyielding struggle of the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation

Finally came the day when the invaders lowered their heads

The Chinese people won the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression

It was in modern times that China fought against foreign invasion

The first complete victory

Warlike death, forget the war will be dangerous

Remember history, not to perpetuate hatred

Instead, we should take history as a mirror and look to the future

The Chinese people who lived through the war

Better understand the value of peace