Look at the essence through the exterior of the PP-R tube

Table of Contents

About color

Simple water pipe color does not have any relationship with the quality of water pipe PP-R raw materials originally produced is actually colorless, that is, transparent must be added color master to have color, white water pipe is of course added white color master, and it is not pure. So, water pipe color this thing, at best can only reflect some of the manufacturer’s personal taste, as a consumer to see. So why can’t PP-R pipes just be made transparent? We’ll come back to that later

About size

The first thing to know is that the diameter of a 4 tube is small, the diameter of a 6 tube is large and the cost of a 6 tube is more expensive than a 4 tube. Is this expensive one necessarily good? You could say that, but it’s not exactly accurate. You have to understand why it’s important
The 6-part pipe has a larger diameter than the 4-part pipe, so the manufacturing cost is a little higher, and the actual benefit it brings is that the flow of the pipe is larger. Is the flow good? Sure.
However, if someone has a six-point pipe in their home, but the water meter is a four-point connector, it loses its meaning. So how do you choose? Comprehensive consideration of the size of flow, economy, water habits and these vary from person to person’s actual water demand, is a more humane design way. Whether the flow is good or bad has a lot to do with the use of water habits, not equal, but according to the distribution, every outlet needs to be taken into account

About wall thickness

For pipes of the same outer diameter, the thinner the wall thickness, the larger the inner diameter will be, but this is at the cost of the thinner wall thickness. What is the effect of wall thickness? Is the bearing capacity of the water pipe, is the service life of the water pipe. And how do we choose the flow rate of our water pipes? As we said above, water pipe flow we mainly look at pipe diameter specifications. The difference in pipe diameter is generally in millimeters, and the difference in wall thickness is next in millimeters.

About transmittance

Why do we add master colors when we make water pipes? Why not make them transparent? This is to make the water pipe light, so must be added to the water pipe inside the master. Because light shines into the water through the pipe, algae will breed on the wall of the pipe, which is not conducive to the use and maintenance of the water pipe.
So why are some colored, added master pipes still transparent? This is because the master color they use does not cover enough. Really good plumbing, must be light tight

About raw materials

The difference between good raw materials and bad raw materials is that the bad raw materials have a larger melt range and higher melt flow rate. What problems does this cause? That is, when the water pipe is welded, it begins to melt at a low temperature. After melting, the material will be relatively thin and soft. Too thin and soft material is actually not conducive to welding, and the welded pipe is more prone to problems. So why does this happen with bad ingredients? Simply because there are more things mixed in the material, the initial melting point will drop and the melting range will lengthen.